Close out a completed LENA Start Group

Use the LENA Start Group Completion form to wrap up a LENA Start Group. The form is available one day after the final session.

The form is saved as you go, so don't worry if you can't do it all in one sitting.

After you close out the group, you'll have access to your LENA Start Performance Report.

1. Open the Group Completion Form.

Access the form by clicking on the checkered flag on your group's Detail Dashboard.

Users who have full organization dashboard access can also find the flag icon in the Last Session column for each eligible group. The flag appears the day after the final session.

2. Fill in General Group Information.

The first section of the form covers general information about your group.

For the estimate of families who have lower incomes, please just take your best guess.

3. Answer Fidelity questions.

Your answers help us understand how closely your group matched the guidelines laid out during LENA Start implementation training.

If you respond ‘Not Sure’ to any of the questions, and you know that someone else might know for sure, please check with them and update your answer.

4. Group Completion Checklist

This checklist covers all of the closeout tasks, to make the process simple and clear.

  • Blue hyperlinks take you directly to the screen where you can complete the task.
  • Alerts show for items that need to be completed within LENA Online.
  • As you complete the LENA Online items, the boxes will be checked off automatically.  
  • For items outside LENA Online, such as materials inventory, check the box once your team has completed the task.

Wait to mark families as completed/dropped until at least one day after processing the final devices so that the system can send the report link texts.

Navigation tip:

After you complete a task on another screen, return to the saved form in 3 clicks:

  1. Click the LENA Online logo.
  2. Click More Details to access the dashboard detail.
  3. Click the flag icon.

5. Tell us about Incentives.

Understanding what incentives may have worked for your group allows us to share ideas across Start sites.

6. Click Submit.

That's it!

The Performance Report for the group is now available.