Move a Start participant to a different group

This article explains how to transfer a currently enrolled child to a different Start group in the same organization.

The steps vary depending on the timing of the move.

Please contact your Implementation Specialist, or [email protected] for any of the following situations:

  • the current group and the destination group are not in the same organization - i.e., they are under different headers in the context menu
  • you are considering moving a child who was previously enrolled in a past group, and either dropped or completed
  • you would like assistance working through the steps

How to move a child before Session 1 has occurred

If neither the child's current group nor the destination group has had Session 1, the move is simple and has no effect on your outcomes data or Group Stars report.

  1. Open the child's Participant record.
  2. In the Enrollment section, open the Functional Group drop-down menu.
  3. Select the child's new group.
  4. Click Submit.

How to move a child with existing attendance records

If the child already has attendance marked for existing sessions, you will need to move that attendance information to the new group. Doing so keeps the Group Stars report accurate for both groups, and ensures accurate take-up and graduation rates.

The process is straightforward if the groups are on the same session/week. See additional sections below these instructions to learn how your data may be affected if the groups are on different sessions.

1. Note and remove current attendance records

Using the past session tabs in Session Prep for the child's original group, make a note of which sessions the parents attended, but remove (uncheck) all attendance for this child.

2. Move child

  1. Open the child's Participant record.
  2. In the Enrollment section, open the Functional Group drop-down menu.
  3. Select the child's new group.
  4. Click Submit.

3. Re-enter attendance

Using the attendance notes you made, click through the past session tabs in Session Prep for new group to re-input the family's attendance.

In most cases a move between two groups that are on the same session/week will have no impact on the child's eligibility for inclusion in the Performance Report. The exception would be if the child's first valid LENA Day occurred on or after the date of Session 2 in the new group.

Effect on data if new group is on a later session

It's better for a family to continue participating in LENA Start if possible, so go ahead with the move, following the instructions for moving a child with attendance data. Remember to help the family make up the sessions they have missed!

The move should have no impact on the family's eligibility for graduation. However, be aware of the following with regard to the Performance Report:

  • The child may not be eligible for inclusion in your Performance Report for Words and Turns, depending of when his LENA Days occurred relative to the new group's Session 2 and Session 6. (See criteria, here.)
  • The child may not be included in your Performance Report for Snapshot, depending on when the first Snapshot occurred relative to the new group's Session 1. (See criteria, here.)

Effect on data if new group is on an earlier session

Follow the steps for moving a child with attendance data. Considerations:

  • As long as the child's first valid LENA Day occurred no more than 45 days before the new group's Session 1 date, the move will not impact the child's eligibility for the Words and Turns sections of the Performance Report.
  • The child will not be included in your Performance Report for Snapshot if the first Snapshot occurred more than 14 days before to the new group's Session 1. (See criteria, here.) In some cases, it may make sense to delete an older Snapshot. Please check with your Implementation Specialist if you have questions.

If the groups' Session 1 dates are wildly different and/or if this family dropped out of a previous group and is interested in starting over, please contact your Implementation Specialist or [email protected] to discuss.

Permissions and restrictions: 

  • You can move the child to any group you have permission to see, as long as that group is in the same organization as the child's current group.
  • If you need to move the child to a group in a different organization (for example, in a different LENA agency, center, or study) please contact LENA Support, and provide:
    • the child's Parricipant ID/LENA ID
    • the name of the current group, and
    • the name of the new organization and group